I went to r/javascript so you don’t have to

2 min readSep 30, 2020

What I learned browsing r/javascript looking for blog ideas

  • You can go to any subreddit url and add .json and turn it into an api to work with. Example www.reddit.com/r/javascript.json
  • Some Emojis are ligatures sort of, they’re actually ( zero-width joiner (ZWJ)) but they’re still pretty crazy. You might be familiar with zwj’s if you frequently write in Devanagari, Kannada, Sinhala or Malayalam. zwj’s were originally created to be a flexible way to write situational character variations. In terms of technical differences between ligatures and ZJW’s ligatures can join up to 3 characters, where zwj’s can join many characters. This means you can even write emoji functions in JavaScript.
  • पन्ह पन्ह त्र र्च कृकृ ड्ड न्हृे إلا بسم الله — the original use for zwj’s
  • Inspect these emojis to see an example.






  • There are 3 popular style guides Google, Air BnB and Standard, but go with Air BnB if you are going to work with react.
  • There are over 1000 people with the name “Infinity” and it really messes with JavaScript’s reserved words
  • VS code redesigned its logo to green briefly and everyone hated it and they switched it back to blue

Cool resources I found

